Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Clearing out

The sale of what was my mothers bungalow is underway. We are here in Cornwall trying to work out what we want, what we can Freecycle, what can go to a charity shop, and what is only good for the tip.

What we want will have to go in a van, and the size of that van will be an outcome of this weeks travails. I have reserved a van for next week to move furniture for Jan, my son-in-law's mother so recently and sadly widowed. The list of stuff to be moved started out at three items, but seems to have grown steadily.... So I have upped the size of the vehicle.

Freecycle (see www.freecycle.org.uk) is an absolute boon. The five items I put on late yesterday evening have all been requested.

If I'm honest, I just want it over and done with.

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