Sunday 21 October 2007

People on holiday.

After publishing my post yesterday, I went for a walk. Portscatho is full of visitors and most of them seemed to be walking yesterday afternoon too. My walk was not a walking boots job of 3 or 4 miles. It was at most a mile and a half to explore a previously unexplored footpath. I was struck by the indecision displayed by my fellow walkers - people got to stiles or gates and then dithered for several minutes. "Shall we go on, or shall we go back?" was a question I heard probably five times from different groups. These people were all adults, and they obviously had no plan before they set out. I certainly would not want to take a serious walk with any of them.

Fifteen minutes into the Rugby World Cup Final (Hard Luck England!) I went for another short walk to post some letters. There were no cars and no people about. I guess the viewing figures for the match were mind boggling.

This afternoon, a visit to the village struck me for another reason; the number of people in the art galleries. There are three in the village and they were all full. I trust Chris who drew the sketch of me (see below) sold a few pieces.

Strange to say that with all these visitors in Cornwall, Network Rail have decided to cut the county off. The main line from Plymouth to Penzance is closed all week for engineering work, so all train services have been replaced by buses. I shall see the effect of this for myself on Wednesday when I go home.

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