Sunday 28 October 2007

Walking Sticks

On Thursday while Number 3 son was taking his driving test, I took a bunch of ex British Gas Managers to make walking sticks. It was an event run by the parks service of Warwickshire County Council. A park ranger provides the sticks, the tools, the expertise and the deer antlers which make the handles. The session lasts two and a half hours and the group seemed to enjoy it and be pleased with the sticks they made. I forgot to make explicit the fact the the session took place out-of-doors and there were a couple who looked distinctly aghast when they found out. Fortunately, enough coats could be found and coffee provided, so the cold was kept at bay. The walking stick I made is shown in the photo on the right. It just needs to be varnished and it will be finished.

We then decamped for another splendid lunch at the Wolferstan Arms at Shuttington which raised everyone's spirits.

Having reversed into the house on Thursday, Number 3 son gets the car on to the drive and then stops (some 40 feet from the house) for fear of hitting something. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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