Monday 7 April 2008

Snow in Cornwall

This morning, on our way to the hospital to see the eye consultant, we had to drive through snow. We had just come off the King Harry Ferry on the Feock side of the river, so I did not have a chance to stop and take a photo, hence no proof can be offered, but as we drove towards Truro, the road under our tyres was white/going mushy grey. As they get snow about as often as a Blue Moon, it will not surprise anyone that traffic slowed to a crawl. We still made it to the hospital in plenty of time, well, long enough for me to drink a free coffee. Mum was cleared to go to the optician, which is good, 'cos we have assumed this would be the case and made an appointment for tomorrow...

I am pleased to hear that my sons had a good time at their respective outings over the weekend. I wish Thomas well, as I shall not see him again this holiday before he heads off back to Durham and from there at the weekend to London to do his St. John Ambulance thing in support of the London Marathon.

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