Saturday, 19 January 2008

Why am I surprised?

Regular readers (bless you) will know that my mum is very frail. However, she is under strict instructions not to lose any more weight, so the food I dish up is made of high quality ingredients and some of it is ready made meals from Sainsbury's. Well, on my last trip, I noticed two ready meals of chicken Balti which had been reduced. I hummed and haa'd before finally taking the plunge and buying them. "Will my mother eat this?" was my big worry.

Since I have very catholic tastes in food myself - there isn't much I won't eat - I need not have worried, mum demolished her portion and most of a naan bread with gusto and loved every mouthful.

Now I shall have to buy a couple of similar meals to put in the freezer. That will teach me to underestimate an old person.

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