Tuesday 1 January 2008

2008, Hmmmmmm

A new year is upon us. Let me start by wishing you all a very Happy New Year. I wonder what it holds for all of us whether collectively or individually?

There is an article in the daily Telegraph today by Lesley Garner entitled Lifeclass which struck a real chord with me. You can find it here. The whole idea of "Letting Go" is one that has always struck me as being very sensible. Otherwise, one is simply carrying commitments around which are never going to be fulfilled. The other idea of writing a "Thank You" list of the things that went well or one enjoyed in the last year is new to me but also seems like a good way of reinforcing the good and pleasurable things in ones life. I shall write my list of "Thank Yous" this afternoon.

While reading the feature, it occurred to me that perhaps my list would generate a few real Thank You notes or e-mails to people who have given me opportunities to experience or contribute in a new way. I can think of one or two I shall have to write.

On other (more prosaic) matters there are a couple of links to Blogs on this blog page. To the authors of those blogs - Please post again soon - I miss your observations.

Well, the New Year concert from Vienna broadcast has started, and any sort of disruption is met with a "Shhh" from mother. More soon.

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